Your Child's Early Years


Unlike play-based Kindergarten programmes, our programme is academically focussed to align with the school’s belief that excellent learning skills are not acquired later on in your child’s learning career but from their first day of learning.

What We Believe Matters Most in Schooling

At the kindergarten level and in the early years of school, we believe that developing a love of learning, encouraging a genuine curiosity, teaching skills to promote cooperation with others and instilling an “I Can, I Will” attitude is as important as the academics taught at this level.

What We Believe Matters Most in Education

We believe it is important to stay current with new ideas in the field of education, to consider and address each child’s overall needs, and to implement programmes and practices that are best suited to helping each student thrive in order to reach their potential.

You can’t build a strong set of study and learning skills on a weak foundation. You need a solid foundation if you expect your child to flourish and excel during secondary and post-secondary education. 

Grade 1

Following the team approach to educating your child, the Grade 1 program picks up where the Kindergarten programme left off. Reinforcing the skills acquired in Kindergarten, the Grade 1 programme introduces your child to enquiry-based and structured learning.

What WE Believe Matters Most in Schooling

Trends in education come and go, but good teaching remains constant. Teachers can influence the development of social skills, work and study habits, a positive attitude in order to promote a love of learning and the ability to effectively interact with others.

What We Believe Matters Most in Education

Learning is a life-long journey. Learn something new everyday!

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