We emphasize academic excellence at KBS. Each student’s progress is monitored, and programmes are individually tailored to ensure that each child progresses to his/her maximum potential.
All students learn differently, and our teachers increase the possibility for success through a variety of teaching methods. Team teaching plays a key role in our integrated curriculum in every subject.
At Kempenfelt Bay School, Art, Music, Drama and Physical Education are essential elements in your child’s development. We begin teaching these specialist subjects in Junior Kindergarten. Our students also enjoy an enriched Arts Programme through the teaching of an Art Specialist.
Instrumental music instruction begins in Grade 3, and they are encouraged to enrol in the KBS Jazz and Concert Bands, the Spring Musical, and our Primary and Junior Choirs. The sum of all these parts builds and shapes our students today, into the community leaders of tomorrow.
At KBS, we integrate character development and the ability to advocate for self and others using ethical means, into all learning experiences to support good citizenship on the local, national and global level.
As part of character development, we enrich local community relationships by providing students with more opportunities to do outreach or volunteer work, and incorporate global and environmental awareness and responsibility into the curriculum in all grades.
We are building a strong community today...and a stronger community tomorrow..
We prepare our students for success in their educational endeavours and for leadership roles in the future. As the KBS students move on to their future careers, they will contribute to the growing quality of their communities.
As Simcoe County’s only accredited independent school, we believe in providing a higher standard of education so that the children we teach today will be inspired and empowered to do great things in the future. The value of education leads families to look for a higher standard of education for their children.
Families make a conscious choice to attend KBS and we honour that decision by sharing their goals of high standards of education, a balanced approach to the arts, athletics, and academics, and the development of great work habits.
Better focus & dedication on
your child's education.
Encouraging our students to try
new things and take risks.
Developed creativity & artistic ability through
instrumental and vocal music lessons.
Authentic learning activities using
proven teaching strategies.
Enhanced dedicated exercise exploring every
student’s potential inclusive environment.
Sports, clubs & activities aren't just extracurricular -
they're core parts of our education plan.
Curious about price? Not sure what 'independent schools' are? Wondering what the difference between our program and your child’s current program is? We have answers to your questions!
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